Brown Rice VS White Rice Nutrition Which one is best ?


Brown rice is unpolished, retains most of its fiber and nutrient content that is otherwise removed from refined. These nutrients include B vitamins, magnesium, and phytonutrients. A cup of brown rice supplies about 14% of daily recommended fiber. This high fiber content helps lower blood sugar & cholesterol. 

White rice, on the other hand, goes through polishing and refining which takes away it’s natural coating full of nutrition. The only thing that remains is an abundance of carbohydrate.

So, now you know which rice to choose before you decide to eat!😇


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Dr. Nikhil Prabhu ( Diabetes Specialist )

Dr Nikhil Prabhu is a consultant Diabetologist from mumbai. he has been practicing for more than 10 years and currently over 7000 patients are under his treatment for diabetes and thyroid disorder from mumbai and navi mumbai area. | you can book his appointment for tele-consultation on 9082523295 | follow us on YouTube for more diabetes & health related tips

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