Can Stress Cause Blood Sugar Fluctuation?


“Stressed” spelled backward is “desserts,” and your body knows this. Stress is inevitable. Whether it’s at work, in relationships, at home, in your personal lives, or finances, stress can affect us in many ways; high blood sugar levels are one of them. Although stress doesn’t actively cause diabetes, it can shoot up your blood sugar levels and exacerbate the condition. At times, consistently high blood sugar levels can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes. It’s time you acknowledge this unexplored relationship and start actively calming yourself to reduce stress.

How Does Emotional Stress Affect Blood Glucose Levels?

The infamous bond between stress and blood sugar levels can be explained by understanding the interplay of hormones in the body. Let us understand how this works:

a. When You Experience Stress, Your Bodies Release A Hormone Called Cortisol

Cortisol helps increase blood sugar levels by signaling the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream. This can be beneficial in the short term, as it provides us with the energy we need to deal with a stressful situation. However, when stress is chronic, cortisol levels can remain elevated, leading to consistently high blood sugar levels.

● Stress-related Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes)

Stress can cause low blood sugar as well. Stress has the potential to both raise and lower blood sugar levels in people with type 1 diabetes. Chronic stress depletes the adrenal glands, resulting in low cortisol levels and adrenal fatigue. Those who have type 1 diabetes may experience an imbalance in the hormones released to control blood sugar levels.

● Stress-related Type 2 diabetes (non- insulin-dependent diabetes)

High levels of stress can raise blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. The body’s tissues become less responsive to insulin when cortisol levels are elevated. As a result, there is a rise in blood sugar.

b. Stress-Related Poor Lifestyle And Habits

Poor mental health conditions like anxiety, stress, and depression often hamper the quality of life. Binge eating, a lack of exercise, inconsistent medications, and insomnia can worsen your glucose and lipid levels if you are a diabetic.

Here is a quick overview of how mental health issues can snowball into lifestyle-related high blood sugar levels;

● Stress eating

You may use food as a coping method when you’re anxious. Unfortunately, many of us make poor meal decisions that are high in carbohydrates and may raise our blood sugar levels. This may result from a cycle of stress eating and elevated blood sugar levels.

● Reduced physical activity

Depression and anxiety make you feel exhausted every day. As a result, the muscles may become less responsive to insulin, which aids in controlling blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels may consequently increase

● Insomnia

Stress can make it difficult to sleep. Lack of sleep makes the body more resistant to the effects of insulin by releasing stress hormones , which can lead to an increase in blood glucose levels.

● Increased inflammation

Chronic stress can cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation can interfere with insulin’s ability to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells, leading to higher blood sugar levels.

● Medications

Some anti-anxiety drugs can also raise blood sugar levels. Corticosteroids, for instance, which are frequently employed to treat inflammation, might raise blood sugar levels.

c. Happy Stress

Sounds funny, isn’t it? A “happy stress” is the kind of emotional change you have when dealing with something happy and positive yet tough. For example, the stress of planning a wedding, the stress of having a baby, the stress of moving cities, the stress of a job promotion, and so on. Such “happy stressors” might also intensify your flight and fight hormones, the cortisol, leading to high blood sugar.

Diabetes Causing Anxiety Is Real!

Diabetes control requires a lot of effort. That alone is enough to make one anxious and stressed. Those with diabetes are 20% more likely to worry, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Stress Causes Sugar Fluctuations: How To Cope With It

There is no way you can eliminate stress. So coping with stress correctly is the best way to control blood sugar levels. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Do not forget to monitor blood sugar levels when under stress.

Do not simply assume that a tough situation is making your sugar levels fluctuate. You may start stressing about this and make things worse for yourself. So check your sugar levels.

2. Practice relaxation techniques

Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are all relaxation strategies that can help lower blood sugar and reduce stress. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga are just a few examples of mindfulness activities that might help you feel less stressed. Determine what relieves your stress. Another quick and easy method to unwind your body and mind wherever you are is to concentrate on your breathing.

3. Regular exercise

People with type 2 diabetes must engage in physical activity for a variety of reasons. In particular, exercise raises insulin sensitivity, which decreases blood sugar. Going outside and taking a stroll can get you out of a stressful environment and will make you feel better.

4. Get enough sleep

Anxiety can be controlled by getting enough sleep. Sleep for 7-8 hours every night.

5. Eat better

Avoid junk! Stop binge eating! Do not submit to cravings. Be mindful of what’s on your plate. Choose foods low in carbohydrates and fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

6. Support

Talking to a childhood friend or family member, or joining a support group, or seeing a mental health professional can all help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. The burden of having type 2 diabetes can be overwhelming. It is known as “diabetes burnout” an extreme exhaustion brought on by blood sugar monitoring. Find a diabetes specialist near me for assistance.


Stress can have a tremendous impact on blood glucose levels and overall health. By understanding the connection between stress and high blood sugar levels, we can take steps to manage stress and prevent the development of diabetes. If you’re experiencing chronic stress, don’t hesitate to seek support from a diabetes specialist near me.


1. Does stress affect the risk of diabetes-related complications?

Yes, stress can increase the risk of diabetes-related complications, such as cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, kidney disease, and vision problems. High levels of stress hormones in the body can also make it more difficult to manage blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk of complications.

2. Can stress increase HbA1c?

Yes, stress can increase HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) levels. tress can cause blood sugar levels to rise over time. When blood sugar levels are high, more glucose molecules bind to hemoglobin, resulting in higher HbA1c levels.

3. Can stress management techniques improve diabetes management?

Yes, stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises, mindfulness meditation, and cognitive-behavioral therapy can improve diabetes management by reducing stress levels and helping individuals better cope with the demands of diabetes self-management.

Diabetes and footcare: complete knowhow


Put your best foot forward, but make sure you have space for the diabetic foot too! The feet are the mirror for your blood sugar levels. Believe me when I say that diabetes and foot care go hand in hand. Almost 300 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, a chronic illness. Diabetic foot is one of the most prevalent consequences; it can sometimes worsen and even necessitate amputations. In this blog, we will explore how to do foot care on a diabetic patient and understand why is foot care important for diabetics.

Why Is Foot Care Important For Diabetics ?

Diabetes affects all extremities of the body, namely the limbs (hands and feet). Foot issues with diabetes are one of the most common ones. There are two primary reasons why do diabetics have their feet checked often.

These causes are:

  • ● Poor blood circulation
  • ● Nerve damage

The nerves and tiny blood vessels in the feet get damaged over time by high blood sugar levels. This results in reduced blood supply to the feet, as well as nerve injury (neuropathy). Both these events come with their share of complications.

Let’s review these complications in brief:

Complications associated with neuropathy:

Loss of sensation in the feet due to a nerve injury can make it challenging to identify wounds, blisters, and ulcers. Moreover, poor circulation can delay the healing of these bruises and raise the risk of infection.

● Complications associated with reduced blood supply to the feet:

Diabetes can also affect how your foot skin and nails look. Poor blood supply leads to less skin nourishment. This causes dryness and cracking skin, making it susceptible to fungal infections. The likelihood of ingrown toenails might increase as nails grow thick and brittle. Moreover, patients with diabetes have a higher prevalence of foot abnormalities such as bunions and hammertoes. All of these elements raise the risk of infections and foot ulcers.

Now that we know why diabetes and foot care become routine for diabetics, let us see the best ways to take care of your feet and maintain blood sugar levels.

How To Do Foot Care On A Diabetic ?

Diabetes and foot care involve more than just taking care of your feet. If you do not manage your blood sugar levels and get rid of your sedentary lifestyle, no amount of foot care can solve the complications of your diabetic foot. Here I will give you 10 easy tips that you can start right away and say goodbye to diabetic foot.

10 Tips On How To Do Foot Care On A Diabetic Patient:

1. Check your feet daily

Notice and examine your feet every day to avoid foot issues. Take a close look at your feet for any wounds, blisters, or sores. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your diabetologist if you see anything.
Early detection of foot issues can stop them from worsening.

2. Get periodic foot exams

Even if there are no symptoms, have your feet checked! Your diabetologist might examine you for any evidence of a nerve injury or poor circulation. In addition, they can assist you in dealing with any potential foot issues.

3. Wash and dry your feet daily

Wash your feet while bathing and after wearing shoes regularly. Use warm water and mild, detergent-free soap. Hot water and harsh soaps may further dry the skin, causing it to flake. Avoid soaking your feet for more than 10 minutes, as this may cause the stripping of your natural skin oils.

After cleaning, make sure to take a clean, dry towel and wipe every nook and cranny of your
feet. Dry the crevices between the toes. Excessive moisture is a breeding ground for fungi.

4. Moisturize your feet regularly

Diabetes patients frequently experience dry skin, so it’s crucial to periodically moisturize your feet. Both the top and bottom of your foot should be moisturized. However, applying lotion between your toes should be avoided, as these crevices with moisture are the best grounds for fungal growth.

5. Trim and clean your toenails often

Toenail trimming is a crucial component of foot care, but it must be done properly. Trim your toenails evenly, and file any jagged edges. Avoid over-shortening your nails to prevent ingrown toenails. Get a medical expert to trim your toenails if you have problems doing it yourself.

If you enjoy pedicures, be careful and pick a spa that maintains good sanitation standards. Ensure that the salon cleans its equipment and foot baths after each client. Avoid having your cuticles cut because doing so can make you more susceptible to infection.

6. Elevate and rest your feet every day

Elevating your feet can help with edema reduction and blood circulation. Many times every day, try to elevate your feet for 15-20 minutes. When doing this, raise your feet on a pillow or stool.

7. Avoid crossing your legs while sitting

By putting pressure on the blood vessels, crossing your legs can restrict circulation, which might cause issues with your feet. If you plan to sit for an extended amount of time, try not to cross your legs.

8. Wear well-fitting shoes; clean your shoes often

The health of your feet depends on wearing shoes that fit properly. Choose footwear with a roomy toe box and strong arch support. Stay away from heels and shoes that are too small. Wearing socks with your shoes can help prevent shoe bites.

Clean your shoes often, Foot sweat and dust are the ideal breeding grounds for foot fungus.

9. Opt for diabetic socks

Diabetes sufferers might get extra support and cushioning from diabetic socks. These can lessen the chance of foot injury and provide good foot support. They also absorb excess foot sweat. If you’re unclear about which kind to use, speak with your diabetologist about diabetic socks.

10. Avoid adventures on barefoot

If you have diabetes, it’s not a good idea to go barefoot. Serious infections can result from even the smallest scrapes or wounds. Wear shoes or slippers at all times, even inside.


Now that you know why is foot care important for diabetics, also understand that diabetes and foot care will not be successful if you do not maintain the blood sugar levels. Eat healthy, work out daily, and take your medications as recommended. Check your sugar levels every day at home and with your diabetologist to keep yourself one step ahead of diabetes.


What is the most common foot problem with diabetes?

The most common foot problem with diabetes is peripheral artery disease (PAD), which alters the structure of the blood vessels that supply the foot and reduces the blood supply there. Neuropathy, or damaged nerves, is also a common issue in the foot of a diabetic.

● What is the best treatment for diabetic neuropathy in feet?

Diabetic neuropathy in the feet can be treated in a number of ways, including with drugs including anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and pain relievers. Further alleviation could be offered by physical therapy, acupuncture, and nerve stimulation. Contact a diabetologist to decide on the most appropriate treatment for you.

● Which ointment is best for diabetic foot?

Moisturizers to prevent dryness and antibacterial lotions to treat or prevent infections may be good. Before applying any ointments or creams to diabetic feet, it’s crucial to speak with a diabetologist because some of them may contain substances that can irritate or harm the skin.

How To Manage Diabetes In Summers?


Summer is in full swing. With India going through an early and unusually hot summer this year 2023,
it’s becoming increasingly challenging to stay hydrated at all times. March and April have been sweltering hot and sweaty, making you feel sluggish and exhausted for most of the day. Sipping a chilled glucose drink sounds ideal to boost energy and get you started.

But how often do you mindlessly sip to stay hydrated? Do you forget about the summer drinks and foods that may wreak havoc on your blood sugar status? It’s about time you realized that many summertime beverages, especially the ones you drink chilled and packed to keep your body cool, may be loaded with sugar. Today we will learn how to manage diabetes and also enjoy summer beverages like a pro.

How Does Hot Weather Affect Diabetes?

The problems with heat and diabetes care could affect millions of people. It’s important for people with diabetes to take extra precautions in hot weather. Studies show that heat has potential adverse health effects on diabetics.

1. Heat-Related Morbidity and Diabetes

Diabetes patients may be more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses and fatalities than non- diabetics. An individual with diabetes often suffers from diabetic neuropathy (damaged nerves and sensory responses) that hinders sweating and increases heat exhaustion.

2. Possibility of Dehydration

Diabetes patients need to exercise, but extended exposure to heat and the ensuing fluid loss cause dehydration and an abrupt increase in core body temperature.

3. Glucose and Insulin levels

The rate of insulin absorption can accelerate with a rise in ambient air temperature. This results in higher chances of a sudden fall in blood sugar levels (hypoglycemic shock) for diabetics who take insulin shots.

Managing diabetes in the heat

1. Hydration

Your body sweats as a result of the heat. Dehydration may occur if these fluids aren’t replaced, which could lead to hazardous outcomes, including heat stroke.

Drink, drink, and drink more. Drink more water to replace the lost fluids. To stay hydrated, consume a lot of water and other non-sugary liquids. Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine intake because these substances can dehydrate you and impact your blood sugar levels.

2. Avoid sugar

Sugar-based beverages such as sodas, fizzy drinks, canned juices, and energy drinks (sweetened tea and coffee) are fantastic at giving you instant energy. Along with energy, it can also disbalance blood sugar levels. Be mindful of what you drink. Water doesn’t make the blood more acidic or more alkaline. It thins the blood to lessen a spike in blood sugar. Men should consume 3.08 liters of water per day, while women should consume 2.13 liters in summer. Replace fruit drinks with chilled vegetable juices such as tomato juice, a cucumber blend, or a smoothie made with spinach. Add a little pink salt and pepper to make it more flavorful. Buttermilk is another good option for getting hydrated.

3. Workout indoors

In your summer workout, exercise caution. Be on the lookout for balconies and shady spots. Pick textiles that are breathable and lightweight, like cotton that wicks away moisture. Your body will be able to breathe through these textiles, keeping you cool and comfortable.

4. Check your feet once in a while

Diabetic neuropathy can reduce sensation in the foot, making it more susceptible to injuries and infections if exposed. Regularly inspect your feet for any indications of ulcers, blisters, or other problems. Wearing cozy, well-fitting shoes that won’t chafe or bother your feet is also essential.

Diabetes patients shouldn’t overlook their foot care, especially after wearing open sandals and flip-flops in the summer. checkout my video shared above.

5. Store your insulin properly

Avoid keeping insulin or other diabetes medications in a hot car or in the sun. Check the packaging for information on how insulin and other medications may be impacted by high heat. Insulin and other medications should be kept in a cooler if you are traveling. Insulin shouldn’t be placed directly on ice or a gel pack. Your insulin pump, glucose meter, and other diabetes supplies could be damaged by heat.

6. Make Advance Plans for Outdoor Activities

It’s crucial to prepare ahead of time if you intend to spend time outdoors in the heat. To help prevent low blood sugar levels, carry food and water with you. Additionally, check your blood sugar levels periodically to look for any changes.

7. Rest even when on a holiday

It’s crucial to take breaks in the shade when it’s hot outside to help prevent overheating. When you’re outside, seek out places to rest and cool off that are shaded. This can assist you in maintaining your comfort level and avoiding any diabetes-related issues.

8. Use sunscreens

To avoid sunburn, apply sunscreen to any exposed skin. Sunburns stress the body and can induce a rise in blood sugar levels.

9. Monitor your water intake and keep some diabetes-friendly snacks

Your urine’s color is a great indicator of your level of hydration. If it is a pale yellow color, you are properly hydrated. If the tint changes to a darker shade, drink more. Some snacks can replace meals, while others work to keep blood sugar levels stable. With your nutritionist, go over your alternatives.

10. Test your blood sugar often

It’s a good idea to test more frequently because hot weather might cause blood sugar levels to change. For several hours after your workout or other activity is over, you should continue frequent monitoring.


Although managing diabetes in the heat might be difficult, you can maintain stable blood sugar levels and avoid complications using the above tips. Cherish summers without having to worry about diabetes. Consult your diabetologist for additional guidance if you have any questions about controlling your diabetes in the heat.


1. Can hot weather affect diabetes?

Diabetes patients are especially vulnerable to high humidity and temperatures. You might have more difficulty controlling your blood sugar levels, and you might be more vulnerable to heat exhaustion.

2. How much water a diabetic should consume each day?

You should consume a lot of fluids if you have diabetes – around 1.6 liters (L), or 6.5 cups, for women and 2 L, or 8.5 glasses, for men—every day. The amount may increase in the summer, but avoid overhydration, which may cause water retention in the body.

Travelling with diabetes

Table of contents

  • ● Travelling with Diabetes: You May Have to Plan a Bit More!
  • ● Essential Steps to Take Before You Leave
  • ● Tips for Staying Healthy and Safe on the Go
  • ● Eating and Drinking Just Right
  • ● What to Do if You Experience a Diabetes-related Crisis
  • ● Take-home
  • ● FAQs

Travelling with Diabetes: You May Have to Plan a Bit More!

The warm weather and longer days of this time of year make you earn for a much-needed break from work. Multiple long weekends and your kid’s summer break make trip planning simpler. However, if you are a diabetic, you must plan your vacation ahead of time! Pre-travel planning is crucial for a safe journey. Travelers with diabetes who wish to go scuba-diving, trekking, or just chill by the pool need sound advice on travelling with diabetes supplies so that a hectic trip won’t put their health in danger. Here is a quick read on all the dos and don’ts of travelling abroad with diabetes.

Diabetes and travelling Flying abroad

Essential Steps to Take Before You Leave

When it comes to diabetes, twice is better. Make sure to add extras of everything to your travelling with diabetes checklist. Here is a short check-list that could come in handy when packing for travelling on a plane with diabetes. Remember that at least half of these should be packed in your hand luggage.

Plane Insulin: Insulin should be transported in hand luggage since it can freeze when exposed to the low temperatures in the airline cargo. To reduce the risk of losing or misplacing a bag, it is good to divide prescriptions and diabetes supplies with your travel partner.

● The hand luggage should also have blood glucose meters and test strips. Blood test equipment like Lancets and additional glucose test strips, additional glucose meter, additional batteries or a glucose meter charger and alcohol wipes.

● Patients should normally maintain their routine while travelling and make any necessary adjustments as per the time at their destination.

● ID proof, diabetes ID card and prescription from the diabetologist. These are essential for security checks on air travel.

● A well-packed box of low-sugar snacks like fruits (apples, blueberries, pomegranates, etc), crackers or cheese bites, peanut butter, home-made juices and some kind of glucose dose (hard candies or toffees) to treat low blood sugar.

Get a thorough medical exam before your trip to ensure that your diabetes is under control before travel. Other nations may have significantly varied prescription laws. Carrying your own prescriptions for medical emergencies would be a wise decision.

Tips for Staying Healthy and Safe on the Go

People who maintain their sugar levels at home might find it challenging to do so while travelling. Travelling alone causes a rise in stress and hormone imbalances that may have an impact on glucose regulation. In addition, changes in diet, activity, sleep, climate, and stress can make things worse. When diabetes control is ignored while travelling, hospital and medical expenses are greatly increased.

So, here are a few tips to keep in mind to make your travel diabetes-friendly:

Plan for time zone changes:

If you are travelling east, the travel time shortens. This might require you to take fewer insulin shots. We gain time when going west; an extra shot of insulin may be required. Keep an eye on your home time zone until the morning after you arrive to help you remember shots and meals while switching time zones.

Record of your blood sugar levels:

Keep a record of your blood sugar levels while travelling. This will help you monitor any changes and make adjustments to your medication and diet as needed.

Stay hydrated:

Drink plenty of water and other non-sugary beverages to stay hydrated. Avoid consuming too much alcohol and caffeine, which can cause dehydration and affect blood sugar levels.

Maintain a decent diet:

Bring fruit, nuts, and seeds as snacks to help you stay away from harmful selections when you’re out and about. Avoid missing meals and try to stick to your regular eating schedule.

Take breaks and stretch:

Travelling long haul with diabetes can cause swollen feet, blood clots, irregular sugar levels, and lethargy due to the tendency for poor blood flow in diabetics. Stretch your legs, especially! Walk for a couple of minutes on a train or plane journey. On road trips stop the car to take breaks.

Eating and Drinking Just Right

Local cuisines are the biggest attractions on a holiday, which can make you go easy on your diabetes management rituals. Diabetics need to be aware of how certain foods can impact sugar levels by strictly following these:


Encourage patients to actively monitor how new foods impact their blood sugar levels by measuring their levels before and after each meal. Choosing veggies and sources of protein reduces swings in blood sugar.


Alcohol alone can increase blood sugar levels if colas and beverages are added with snacks, but when taken with drugs that lower blood sugar, including sulphonylureas and insulin, the risk of hypoglycemia increases. Patients must check their blood glucose levels and administer the proper hypoglycemia treatment as this could happen over the course of the night or even the following day. Patients should be advised to avoid drinking on an empty stomach and urged to stay hydrated by drinking water and using sugar-free juices along with alcohol.

What to Do if You Experience a Diabetes-related Crisis

As a diabetologist, it is essential to give patients advice on what to do in an emergency. Here’s what you may need to do:

● When travelling on a plane with diabetes the aircraft staff come in handy: at the holiday spot, the hotel personnel will be better prepared to assist with conditions like hypoglycemia.
● Patients should always have snacks on them and supplies to manage hypoglycemia in case there are no accessible alternative foods.
● Learn the phrases “I have diabetes” and “Sugar please” in the language of the nation you intend to visit.
● To hasten help in an emergency, patients should have their cell phones and emergency contacts with them.
● The standard “sick-day” protocols are followed after a diabetic emergency episode, which typically entails boosting fluid intake and performing more regular blood glucose checks.


Although it may seem difficult, travelling abroad with diabetes is a cakewalk with the right planning and preparation. You can enjoy your trip without jeopardizing your health by following the above-mentioned advice, which includes travelling with diabetes supplies, keeping track of blood sugar levels, staying hydrated, and maintaining a nutritious diet. Never forget to speak with your doctor before leaving on a trip, and never hesitate to call for help if something goes wrong.


How should I store my insulin while travelling?

Insulin should not be exposed to severe temperatures and should be maintained at room temperature. To keep your insulin safe from heat and cold while travelling, place it in a cooler bag or insulated pouch.

How can I prevent blood clots while travelling?

To prevent blood clots and other issues when travelling long distances, stop frequently and stretch your legs. Put on compression stockings to increase the blood flow to your legs.

How can I ensure that I am properly prepared for my trip?

Before making any travel arrangements, speak with your diabetologist to be sure you are adequately prepared. Create a list of all the diabetes supplies you’ll need, study the area hospitals, and make any necessary preparations for prescription changes.