How Diabetes Affects Your Blood Sugar – Video Presentation

In normal individual blood sugar level is controlled by insulin hormone secreted by beta cells of pancreas. In diabetes person either do not produce insulin (type 1) or produce less insulin and/or its action is impaired (Type 2) so blood sugar level rises.

Following video is for easy understanding of insulin and glucose metabolism in diabetic person.




Calculate Your Risk of Getting Diabetes ?

In India, Diabetes prevalence is increasing day by day, 90-95% of diabetes belongs to type 2. Attributable risk factors include sedentary lifestyle, inappropriate meal pattern, lack of physical activity, lack of sleep , stress, alcohol abuse, smoking, etc which can be modified. Other risk factors like age, ethnicity, family history etc are inevitable to us.


Based on these risk factors following questionnaire will calculate your approximate risk of developing diabetes in the next 10 years. Those who are in Moderate to High risk should start appropriate interventions to prevent diabetes.

1] Your Gender

  1. Female = 0 Points
  2. Male     = 1 Points

2] Your Age ?

  1. <45 Years = 0 Points
  2. 45- 55 Years = 1 Points
  3. 55- 65 year = 2 Points
  4. 65+ = 3 Points

3] What is your ethnic Background ?

  1. Only White European  = 0 Points
  2.  Asian/Indians/Others = 1 Points

4] Do You have a relative with diabetes ?

  1. None                                    = 0 points
  2. 1 Parent or/and 1 sibling = 2 points
  3. Both parents                      = 3 points

5] What is your waist circumference ?

  1. < 90 cm = 0 points
  2. 90-100 cm = 1 points
  3. 100-110 cm = 2 Points
  4. 110+ cm = 3 Points

6] Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight in Kg / Height in (Meter)2

For example a person with weight of 60 kg and height 155 cm will have BMI = 60/1.55 x 1.55 = 24.97

or Simply calculate it here –

  1. BMI < 23 = 0 Points
  2. BMI 23-27 = 1 Points
  3. BMI 27-35 = 2 Points
  4. BMI 35+ = 3 Points

7] Are you taking medication for Hypertension or High Blood Pressure ?

  1. No = 0 Points
  2. Yes = 1 Points

8] Do you have previous history of Gestational ( Pregnancy ) Diabetes ?

  1. Negative history = 0 Points
  2. Positive history = 1 Points

9] Do you suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS ) ?

  1. No  = 0 Points
  2. Yes = 1 Points

10] Frequent Alcohol intake ?

  1. No = 0 Points
  2. Yes = 1 Points

11] Smoking ?

  1. No = 0 Points
  2. Yes = 1 Points


Min Score = 0
Max Score = 18

Low Risk = Score between (0 – 6) = 1 in 20 people with this score will get diabetes in the next 10 years
Moderate Risk = Score between (7 – 12) – 1 in 10 people with this score will get diabetes in the next 10 years
High Risk = Score between (13 – 18) – 1 in 3 people with this score will get diabetes in the next 10 years

If you are in Moderate to High risk score table then it is advisable to consult a sugar specialist doctor immediately.


  • Men are at higher risk for developing diabetes than women with same BMI.
  • Chances of getting diabetes increases with age. Nowadays we can see even adolescents and younger adults developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Asian Americans are at higher risk than whites for developing type 2 diabetes.
  • If 1 parent or 1 sibling is diabetic then your chance of getting diabetes is 1 in 5 to 1 in 3. If both parents are diabetic then there is almost 80-90% chances of you getting diabetes.
  • Abdominal Obesity is the main culprit to cause diabetes especially in Indian population. Waist circumference (Females>80 cm, Males >90 cm) , waist to hip ratio( Females > 0.85, Males > 0.90) and BMI (>23 kg/m2) are good indicators to measure metabolic syndrome & obesity.
  • High blood pressure causes damage to heart,kidney,eyes and increases chances of getting stroke and diabetes.
  • History of hyperglycemia during pregnancy increases chances of getting diabetes in future life.
  • PCOS has background features of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
  • Alcohol abuse can lead to Pancreatitits and pancreatic damage.
  • Smoking cause decrease in HDL (good cholesterol) and increase in LDL (bad cholesterol) further leading to increased atherosclerosis.

If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends & family.

Awareness is Prevention.


How to Take Care of Your Feet in Diabetes ?

In India, Diabetes is the leading cause of minor and major foot amputations. Prevalence of Diabetes is increasing day by day in India, becoming World’s capital of Diabetes by 2025 with over 80 million affected population as per Diabetes Foundation India.

Diabetes Foot Care

There are four main reasons which increase the chances of foot ulcer & amputation:

  • Decreased blood flow to feet – Diabetic individuals have more accelerated & diffuse atherosclerosis throughout all major & minor blood vessels which leads to narrowing of blood vessels and poor circulation in feet.
  • Neuropathy – Majority of long standing diabetic individuals suffer from sensory motor & autonomic neuropathy i.e. nerve damage. Loss of pain sensation exposes foot to repeated trauma & injury. Autonomic neuropathy causes lack of sweating in foot area making it dry & prone to cracks and infection.
  • Loss of Arc – Long standing diabetes patients has lost the normal foot arc. Majority has clawed toes or Hammer toes, forward displacement of fat cushion below 1st metatarsal head, some have rocker bottom deformity,  all this leading to abnormal weight bearing pressure points in foot (corns & callosities) and change of shape of foot. This abnormal shape foot doesn’t fit properly in normal footwares, causing further injuries.
  • Slowed Delayed healing – In diabetes Neutrophil functions is impaired. Further more inter connected foot compartments easily pass infection from one area to other. Poor blood supply again delays healing.

To avoid all this complications, it is necessary to take care of your foot from the start.

Diabetes Foot Care


Following Diabetes Foot Care Tips will help you to keep your feet healthy :

  • Keep Your Blood Sugar in Target Range – HbA1c < 7
  • Do not walk bare foot even at home – Keep two separate pairs of footware for home & outdoors.
  • Inspect your feet everyday for blisters, cuts, redness, swelling, dryness, ingrown toenails, corns & callosities- use mirror to see bottom of foot.
  • Use special diabetes footware. Prefer using Ketto type sandels & shoes instead of slippers.
  • Wash your feet daily with warm water & mild soaps – check & confirm temperature of water with elbow before inserting feet into it. After washing, dry them thoroughly , even inter digit space.
  • Apply moisturizers on feet & lower leg to avoid dryness of skin – don’t apply between toes.
  • Cut toe nails carefully after bath when they are soft – avoid cutting cuticle & digging under toenails with sharp objects.
  • Use cotton or wool socks – change them daily, avoid too tight socks.
  • Wear properly fitting shoes with ample of cushioning. It is preferable to use leather shoes than synthetic material.
  • Always inspect your shoes or footwear for objects like metal pins, coins etc before wearing it.
  • Be physically more active – it increases blood supply to feet.
  • Do not cross legs for longer period while sitting, In spare free time move your feet up & down and rotate at ankle joint.
  • Quit smoking.

If you see cuts, corns, callosities, redness, blackening or delayed healing in minor cuts seek medical attention or consult your diabetes doctor immediately. Routine foot care & prompt attention to injuries can prevent foot problems from threatening your life and amputations.

If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends & family. I appreciate the feedback and encouragement.

Awareness is Prevention.

Eat Fruits Before Meals – Diabetes Health Tips

Many fruits are rich in micronutrients, essential vitamins , fibre content and antioxidants along with that fruits occupy more space and less in calories so makes your tummy full and gives you feeling of satiety or fullness.

Most of the fruits have high fibre content , it comes in soluble or insoluble form. both forms are indigestible. They forms a bulk & increase water content of stool making it softer and easily movable in Gastrointestinal tract. Thus prevents constipation. High fibre diet reduces cardiovascular morbidity & mortality.

Eat Fruit Before meal

Diabetic person should avoid eating fruits with high glycemic index i.e. those fruits which readily digest in stomach and raises your blood sugars more than others like Mango, Chickoo, Banana (Green), Grapes, Custard Apple, etc.

Also one should avoid drinking fruit juices as condensation process increases sugar content of juice as well as a glass of juice is roughly equivalent to eating 2-3 fruits at a time. It is always better to eat a fresh fruit instead of drinking a fruit juice added with or without preservatives.

Managing blood sugars by diabetic person is all about balancing food intake. For example suppose Person (A) who is diabetic had four bread slices at breakfast at 9.00AM and his blood suagrs measured at 11.00AM found out to be 300 mg/dl. If the same person (A) divides those breakfast into 2 halves and take 2 bread slices at 8.00AM and 2 bread slices at 10.00 AM then his blood sugar roughly remains around 130 mg/dl . In this example the food intake is not decreased but instead it is divided into small quantity and  consumed frequently.

Normally we consume most of the meal in the first 20 mins of starting a meal so eating a fruit before meal delays food intake and gives feeling of fullness or satiety earlier. That eventually leads to consumption of less food at meal so less calorie intake and helps to loose weight.

Many colorful fruits like berries are rich in antioxidants ( Lycopene, Beta-carotene, etc.) . In diabetes high bloood sugar values causes damage to nerves, retina, blood vessels and other systems via specific pathways. One of them is through generating free oxygen radical species, these anti-oxidants reacts with such harmful oxygen radicals and scavenger them thus minimizes the tissue damage in diabetes.

What fruits to eat in diabetes ?

  1. Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries etc. all berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and low in carbohydrates.
  2. Peaches are rich in vitamin A & C , Potassium and fibre.
  3. Apple a day keeps doctor away. Apples are rich in fibre, vitamin C & low in carb. don’t peel the skin as it contains antioxidants.
  4. Oranges are great in vitamin C, low in carb, contains potassium and folate, other citrus fruits like grapefruits are also equally good to eat.
  5. Pears good in potassium and fibre.
  6. Other fruits like apricot , guava are also rich vitamin A and good to eat .

Eating Fruits before meals helps you to loose weight & control your blood sugars. Making a habit of it helps a lot to obese individuals and known diabetic people.

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Awareness is Prevention.