Majority of diabetic people suffer from constipation, irregular bowel movements, abdominal cramps, dyspepsia, etc. Uncontrolled diabetes or Hyperglycemia affects nerves that supplies gastro-intestinal tract and hampers peristalsis. This leads to stagnancy of food in gastrointestinal tract. Diabetes also affects the nerves which supplies pyloric sphincter, causing disturbances in its relaxation, which ultimately leads to delayed gastric emptying. Nerves supplying to antrum of stomach are also affected leading to improper crushing of food and accommodation of food in stomach. This finally leads to dyspepsia & constipation. Normally, food we eat reaches rectum in around 36 to 48 hrs. In diabetic person due to imbalance in gastric motility this time span gets further delayed.

6 ways to treat constipation in Diabetes at home
You can treat constipation in diabetes with following six ways :
- Increase Fibre in diet – There are two types of fibre in diet (insoluble & soluble). High fibre diet helps to form bulk of stool, also increases water content of stool, makes it soften so it can easily pass through gastro-intestinal tract. Cereals, whole grains, beans are reach in fibre content. Green leafy vegetables, Fruits like apples, pears, berries etc are good for diabetic people. Breakfast with oats helps to get good amount of fibre at the start of the day.
- Drink lots of water – If you do not drink good amount of water, body ultimately tries to take water from food you eat & making stools harder. If you are increasing fibre in diet then increase water consumption as well. Drink atleast 1.5 litre of water daily.
- Regular Exercise – Regular exercise is necessary for all diabetics. It not only helps in controlling blood sugars but also helps to pass food further in gastro-intestinal tract. Even a moderate amount of exercise in the form of brisk walking or cycling helps to prevent constipation.
- Natural Probiotics – Daily a cup of yoghurt or a glass of Chass helps to keep healthy intestinal bacterial flora leading to good digestion of food and preventing constipation.
- Laxatives – Laxatives can be of different types like bulk forming, Osmotic, Stool softeners, bowel stimulatory. etc. Isbgol Powder and castor oil are commonly used home made laxatives. It is advisable to consult your diabetes doctor before starting any laxatives.
- Last but not the least Excellent Blood Sugar control with diet, exercise and regular timely medication plays and important role in treating constipation in diabetes. Cause of constipation can vary from Nerve damage of GI tract due to long term poor management of diabetes to just simple lack of fibre in diet.
Extreme cases of constipation like Fecal impaction more commonly affecting elderly and disabled bed ridden individuals requires enema or manual evacuation of hard stools by inserting one or two gloved fingers in anus.
Those were the Natural ways of treating constipation in diabetes at home.
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Fantastic and useful blog .Please keep it up.